Ideal Client Profile: Business
Decision-makers seeking more good business who find themselves saying aloud, "There must be a better way," get in touch with Articulate Consultants.
size of business
- micro (5 or fewer personnel, less than $2.5 million gross sales)
- small to medium (5 to 1,000 staff, $2.5 to $50 million gross sales)
location of business
- Canada – anywhere with telephone and internet service
- USA – anywhere with telephone and internet service
nature of business
- independent (stand-alone, self-governing)
- business-to-consumer or business-to-business service-focused
- more relationship-based (involving interaction, trust, and expertise) than simply transactional
- in business at least 1 year
- managed entrepreneurially
- individual who owns the company (legally or morally) — e.g. founder, President, Executive Director
- individual who leads their own team, with or without other team-leaders answering to them
- some entrepreneurial instinct or temperament
- concerned that the business is not fulfilling its potential, overall or in a specific area, and could better fulfil its potential with the help of an outside expert’s perspective, advice, and guidance
- forthcoming with correct, complete, relevant information in focused discussions of business matters
- willing to pay a consultant to get immersed in the business as necessary, through interviews of staff, suppliers, and customers and through other forms of research
- willing to delegate tasks to people under his/her authority or influence and to allocate budgets at his/her discretion
- willing to rethink fundamental business matters (e.g. customer experience, product/service names, sources of value)
- willing to designate one or more key personnel as a contact person to facilitate a consultant’s orientation to the business as well as the consultant's coordinating efforts to implement solutions
- willing to invest in making the business fulfil its potential and to give it enough time for success to come about
- reliable to keep an agreement
- pays promptly
Note: This is a profile of the ideal client, like the bullseye at the center of a target. Articulate Consultants will consider dealing with people of other descriptions, or other areas of the same target.
- Glenn R Harrington, Articulate Consultants Inc.
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